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Showing posts from November, 2019

Hound drawing

Weasel essay reflection

As I did this project, I had always felt a range of emotions. For example, in the beginning, I thought that the way Annie Dillard was writing had made the text seem like it made no sense. We also had to make an amplify and I felt like it was a good way to connect my writing to something else. Additionally, I felt like this project has helped me understand certain texts like this better and be able to convert figurative language and even use it in my own writing. Overall, I felt like this project gave me a better understanding of when figurative language is used in texts and a new way to see an authors POV.

1-8 explore the passage


Weekly Reflection 10/28/19-11/1/19

So far, this week has been going great for many reasons. One reason why is that I don’t have school on Tuesday and we got our feedback in Literature for our grade, so I now what to correct in order to raise my grade. Also, one thing that I didn’t like was on Monday when we didn’t do a reading period and just did work the whole period. Additionally, I am elated to start a new book at the end of the weasel essay.