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Showing posts from December, 2019

Snapshot 1&2

11/4/19-11/7/19 weekly reflection

For this week, we had just read on Thursday Fahrenheit 451 and that was our first reading day. We had to try to read as many pages as we could each time and then answer questions on three different quizzes that were very short. We also had to create some type of schedule and record the amount of pages we read on certain days.

11/11/19-11/14/19 weekly reflection

This week, we had to read the book Fahrenheit 451 which I had previously read so it wasn’t that hard to understand things that were happening in the book. Also, this week was short since there was no school on Monday and we dont have this class on Fridays so, we only had 3 classes where we had just reading periods.

11/18/19-11/21/19 weekly reflection

This week, we just started to re-read the book Farenheit 451 and bring in a free reading book which will be used sometimes on Mondays’ if we have a free reading period. For the tasks we had to complete, they were fairly easy and just required you to dig in and look around in what you read.


This week, we had a fun task which was to visualize the Hound and then draw a representation of how you might think it looks like based on the movies description. Also, we had to finish the book so we can then watch the movie in the following week. Overall, nothing troubled me about the week except the weather and Monday because I had a large bit of homework to do.

Stage 1 of voyage out

12/9/19-12/12/19 Weekly reflection

This week, we had responded to what happened in the film and compared and contrasted it to things in the book. We the had to answer questions at home about the movie and respond with our thoughts too. Also, we wrote a proposal, reflection and a fantasy, and posted it online.

Weekly reflection 11/25-11/27

This week, I had felt went by really fast considering we only had 3 days of class. Also, I feel like we did a lot of work in class and for homework we had to do the equivalent amount of work, and that includes reading notes. Also, by Monday, my ciee summer abroad program form is due and that excites me for the summer. A final thing is that I can’t wait for it to snow on one of the days next week and if it does, I will go to school ready.