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 Go back to the beginning. What’s interesting or ironic about the way the narrator calls Beto a “pato” (offensive term for homosexuals)? What does it suggest to you about this narrator?

      What do you notice about the way the narrator narrates the past and present?  For example, skim back over the first 1.5 pages.  What is his mind doing as his body gets up and goes outside?

    Where do you see Diaz repeat the visual motif of people seated beside each other (it comes up at least twice in this story)? So what?  How do you find yourself responding to it?

FFW: When the narrator calls Beto a “pato”,which is an offesive term for homosexuals,what does it suggests to me about the narrator is that the narrator might be homophobic so he refers to homosexuals with his slur, "pato."Additionally, Beto might have said something to the narrator that set him off causing him to utilize this slur. Additionally, I researched the word, "pato" and it apparently is spanish for duck. The word is also a slur for men who are not straight and I believe that there is something in common with the two that the narrator is trying to compare or say. For example, a duck waddles when it walks which is strange and so he is comparing Beto to a duck because he is trying to say how he is strange just like how a duck walks. To add on, I can infer that the narrator doesn't know much about being homosexual because it seems like he believes it is a choice when it really isn't.

FFW: As the narrator narrates the past and present, he goes on to talk about pasts events that relate to whatever is happening in the text,specifically, the way he talks so positively about the past males me feel that he still wants to be friends with Beto. The problem though is that Beto is gay so he feels like he cannot be friends with him anymore. 

FFW: The first time in this story when people are sitting next to each other is when the narrator is sitting with his mother when hes watching the tv. Then the narrator is sitting with Beto watching porn. In Both of these scenes, the narrator is uncomfortable, and I think this is similar to the times in the previous stories when we've scene the narrator of each story sitting next to someone. To add on, I can tell the character is disturbed or uncomfortable because the feelingsimilar to past experiences.


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