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·       One reason people throw up is if the sight, smell, or taste of something disgusts them. What are 3-4 other reasons why people might vomit??  

·       Is it voluntary? 

·       Vomit passes out through the mouth. What else, aside from vomit, flows out of the mouth? 

FFW 2 (post to blog):
·       describe what happens in that moment (some great places to look might be p. 34 in the scene with the Puerto Rican woman or p. 42 when Mami asks Yunior what is wrong.

·       and then make a connection to the way Yunior vomits in the van.  What does his vomiting suggest about what emotions might lurking unsaid in one of these moments?

FFW 3 (and post to Blog...)
·      What associations does Fiesta, 1980 give us for THIS van?  Notice specific details from the story.

·      What associations does the first story, Ysrael, give us about vans? What happens in that story that might still be on this kid’s mind?

FFW 4:
Now that you have thought about the van for a while, consider: why more do you notice about what might lurking in that “curse” of throwing up in the van?  '

FFW 1: Some reasons why someone might vomit is that:
-they see blood
-feel nauseous
- anxious or nervous
-thoughts and feelings
- physical and mental well being

Sometimes vomiting is voluntary because someone might make themselves gag, but most of the time it is involuntary because there isn't really any way to control it. 

Something else that comes out of the mouth other than vomit is:
-bodily fluids

FFW 2:  When it comes to vomiting, Yunior does not like to vomit in his car. Also, the reason of why he vomited was the fights that were occurring and this caused him to be scared or nervous/ anxious. The first time he vomited in the car, it was for an actual reason and every other time after he was afraid to go in his car to vomit, then his nervousness made him vomit and made him vomit. This meant that it started to be a constant thing. 

FFW 3: When it comes to the title, it gives us an idea of the car and its details. Some detail for example is that the car they had was an older model. Also, the bus brings the memory of him being molested. 

FFW 4: There isn't a curse but there is a repetitive cycle of Yunior vomiting because of what is going on around him. Every time he is about to get in the car, he gets anxious again and feels like he is gonna vomit and so this cycle repeats. This cycle is bad but it also helps relieve how scared and anxious he is around his father.


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