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1. Where does the narrator live?
The narrator lives in an apartment with his friend Cut, but was kicked out of his old apartment. 

2. How old does he seem to be?
When it comes to how old the narrator may be, it was never indicated in the text but since he is a drug dealer, he is a man that is between 20-40, but it can be older than this.

3. Whats his job?
His job is drug dealing and he does it with Cut, which is his friend that he lives with. They don't mainly focus on drug dealing or invest too much time into it but they make a good amount of money. 

4.What kind of relationships does he have?
For relationships, he has multiple of them:
-girl on basketball team
Aurora, a girl who just got out of juvie
-other younger girls

When it comes to Aurora though, she is the most vital or close to him especially because of how romantically involved they are. Also, their relationship is also unhealthy because it has a lot of ups and downs. In their relationship, it is very abusive too, for example, Aurora scratches and cuts him while he also physically harms her by punching her. Additionally, this isn't something new to him because he did this in his past relationships. 

FW1: As i read the story, as a reader I noticed that both Yunior and the protagonist have some things in common but they are not the same person which is what a reader might think the first time reading this. Based on what we know about Junior, he has been abused a lot as a kid, and he was even molested. Growing up like this can also make Yunior believe abuse is "ok" and so if he has children, he might abuse them. Overall, based on how the author writes the story, it lets us know what Yunior's emotions and thoughts are.

FW2: As I completed this part, it was hard for me to read because the text had came off as disturbing. As a reader, I mostly felt bad for Yunior because of the abuse he was facing as a kid and all of the things that he went through especially with his father. I also questioned myself of how Yunior was able to keep his head up and hang on throughout these tough times. The narrator also mentions him abusing Aurora and that didn't make me feel well especially because she is a minor.


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