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1.What does Yunior imagine papa touches? So what?
In this paragraph, Yunior imagines Papi touches his mother and him. He thinks about his father slowly touching his face and moving up and down on his scars. This is peculiar because after he was molested, he is fine with being touched and slowly touched especially by a man. Additionally, I feel like in a way, he might believe that papa might relieve pain from himself or make him feel better.

2.What does he imagine when papa touches him? So what?
Yunior imagines that Papi would would be saying his own name. Maybe Yunior thinks that because he and his father share a name they will have a better connection. Yunior has a very hard time finding his identity and himself. I feel like it is almost as if he thinks when his father comes back he will fix this. He will give Yunior an identity and Yunior seems to think his father will fix all his problems. 


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