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1.What does he say is ABOVE the water?  How does he describe it? 
In the text, Yunior says that above the water it is loud and bright. The swimming pool served as an old hangout space that brings back many memories.He also mentions that there is a risk of cops, searchlights, and other things that relate to panic and being frightened.

2.What is BELOW the surface of the pool water.  How does he describe it? 
Yunior says that underneath the water it feels good and you can only hear whispers. This shows that is is very quiet and there are no distractions. This then to shift the mood to calm and soft or quiet. It also makes it seem like drowning serves as a sensational experience. 

3.What do you notice about the way he likes to swim?  How does he describe it?  (Can you make a connection here to the title of the story and the book?)
When he swins, Yunior says that he likes to go to the bottom of the pool and just "glide" near the floor of the pool. If someone stood above and looked in the pool it would seem like he drowned and Drown is the title of the text. 


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